Friday, 5 February 2010

Too many script statements?

With any luck, this weekend should be the go-live for the project I mentioned in my last post. It's been an interesting project, and, at the risk of sounding schmaltzy, there have been a lot of lessons learnt (and most of them painfully).

I'll be posting about some of the lessons learned in upcoming posts, but I just wanted to take a moment to an idea I have up on Ideas. The governor limit on script statements has been my main obstacle this time around; I know that it's part of multi-tenancy and working with Salesforce. I don't actually mind operating within those limits, but I do like being able to handle meeting those limits in a sensible way.

The reason that "Too many script statements" is special is that, when hitting other governor limits, you can catch them as exceptions and handle them appropriately - usually displaying an error to the user. However, once you've used too many script statements, you don't have any script statements left to tidy up or present something meaningful to the user.

There are ways around this - not hitting the limit in the first place (not a practical solution this time round), periodically checking how many statements have been used and throwing an exception at a threshold (fiddly, unpredictable and uses script statements!). But a neater solution would be nice.

Feel my pain? Don't mope, promote!

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